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ESSA releases new reports to design and develop learning programmes fit for the software services market needs


2 min read

Creating and updating curricula and learning programmes for software professionals has just been made easier. ESSA (European Software Skills Alliance) released 3 reports to guide the design and development of an education & training offering that matches the software services market needs.

ESSA’s new set of reports supports organisations and learning providers in creating or updating their education and training offers according to what is needed on the market[1]. It is also a good piece of news for learners who will be able to find and access relevant and up-to-date learning offerings for the most in-demand software roles.


We have about 9 million employed ICT specialists in Europe. 11 million additional ICT specialists are still needed to reach the 2030 targets of the Digital Compass (European Commission). Meanwhile, the European software sector is growing and demands more software professionals — 45% of organisations surveyed estimate they will need more Developers in the next five years (2021). ESSA wants to deliver the learning instruments people need to meet this demand for software skills and professionals. Codecool is a member of the ESSA Software Skills project.

About ESSA 

ESSA is a transnational project funded under the Erasmus+ programme to boost software skills in Europe and re-aligning the educational offering with the market demand.

  1. Europe’s most needed software roles and skills. (2021). European Software Skills Alliance (ESSA).
  2. European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training.
  3. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). (2015).

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Codecool is the fastest growing programmer school and tech talent hub in Europe. We make the digital talent gap disappear and enable people to take on future-proof tech careers. We solve IT skill development and resource needs via training and recruitment.

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